Herts Music Therapy is a high quality music therapy service dedicated to offering music therapy and other musical interventions to a wide range of client groups in Hertfordshire and surrounding areas.

Please see our specialist services by visiting our Children and Young People and Adults Services pages.

What is Music Therapy?

Music Therapy is a psychological therapy which uses music as a resource for achieving therapeutic goals (for more information about the type of goals music therapists can work on, please see our specialist services pages) .

It can help people of all ages and abilities but is often used when someone finds it difficult to engage with a purely verbal therapy. Sessions can be in groups or for individuals. 

All music therapists are highly trained Health Care Professionals registered with the Health & Care Professions Council.

What happens in a session?
Sessions usually involve live music making with a variety of different instruments. The music is mainly improvised, but can include pre-composed music, musical games and song writing depending on the needs of the client. 

What are the typical reasons for referral? 

As long as there is a need then anyone can be referred and you do not have to be musical to have music therapy.  The main reasons for referral are usually to aid communication skills, to develop speech,  to improve emotional well-being, to improve attention skills and to develop choice making skills.  

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